Content update [June ’20]

To start off, I’ve posted [Falling into the Siphon] to smashwords for the same price as it is listed here – free. I cleared up a better cover for it opposed to the original draft I had a few years ago when I was still uncertain about my ability to cohesively write over a large span of time. It is located [ here ] and comes in a variety of file formats to read instead of scrolling through multiple posts. A choice of access!

I am still in the process of filtering down and resetting the direction [Bloody Mouth] was set to go before – due to the expanse of time between the original iteration and the current direction, a good sum of plot points have changed but still allows for the current chapters to primarily remain as is. I may go back and alter some portions for better ease of reading, but will alert when I plan to implement the changes. I had a lot more time tuning my writing style, and some portions can still come across as confusion. I plan to ACTIVELY return to it this year, with a small break later in the year to work out another idea that is on the side-burner.

My time is set between two sets of creative endeavors and does at time leads to what looks like creative droughts. To remain more caught-up on current preoccupations, I am always found on twitter at Vueytris and through direct email [ ] if there are any direct questions.

Revival and re-ignition

I do apologize for a lack of content to post; as I have been side-tracked with other projects/content in the time between as I have been concentrated on getting my life situated to where I can more actively create a variety of content.

Prior, I was in a drought of depression and only was able to keep concentration on content for a short period of time – when I had written “Falling into the Siphon” it was initially as a NaNoWriMo work for 2014, one thing to focus on as I was still working on my own mental stability. However, since then I have been able to produce longer-form content over long-stretches of time and kept pace between a variety of content; and I plan to upload “Falling into the Siphon” in the coming months onto Gumroad with a personally made cover as my artistic abilities have drastically increased significantly since then.

I do, as always, plan to return to [Blood in my mouth; it’s not mine] sometime in the future as Andrew still holds significance to me personally, however it will need to wait a little longer until I return to his story. There are other stories set on the backburner at this time, but due to my personal sensibilities I need to focus on one piece of content after another, not a dozen plans without anything to show for it.

I do have a social media page that have been firmly more active, however! Of course, the content within may be mixed, Twitter connected to I have, in the intermittent be making fan-driven content, but it is content only to be posted on Ao3.

I will not announce what content is to be worked on and posted here until I am certain, but one thing is certain: I will be trying to produce more written, original works once more.

Falling into the Siphon – Completed

Back in February of this year, I had decided to post all of my first initial novel I had written in 2014 one chapter at a time. Last week, I had posted chapter 28 of Falling into the Siphon, the final chapter.

I have now added a clean catalog for those interested in reading it at the top of the page! As well as linking to it from [ here ] !

For now, this blog will go under a hiatus – as I’ve still not found the best balance to get weekly content out in a quality I would be proud of. Maybe someday, I’ll be able to post long content like Falling into the Siphon again, or even more chapters from other projects!



Falling into the Siphon – Release

In 2014 I participated in NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writing Month, and succeeded in writing 50-thousand words for one continuous work – one I’ve not teased nor posted portions of them before on any websites besides one solitary website – on Amazon as an ebook. Obviously, due to failures on my part, there was no signal boosting nor shilling it despite the low price-point I had set for it. And now, I’ve made the leap to go ahead and post it.

Starting on Monday, February 13th, I’ll be posting “Falling into the Siphon” chapter by chapter on a weekly basis. Hopefully around the same time each week.

Why Monday? Partly because of my work schedule; but also that releasing on Mondays gives people an entire work week to find time – without taking space from the primary ‘weekend days’.

It will be posted as “Blood in my mouth; it’s not mine” has been, with content warnings before the cut.


Late May Announcement

As originally planned, chapter 3 of Blood in my mouth; it’s not mine is going to be posted tomorrow in all current locations. However, instead of retaining with the original plan of just releasing a chapter every two weeks, for the month of June I’ll be posting one per week – on Thursdays hopefully between 6pm and 8pm MST.